Forming the Historic Sistrunk Community Council

Forming the Historic Sistrunk Community Council


As part of the efforts to develop and implement a sustainable marketing plan to promote the Historic Sistrunk Community, its rich history, diversity, and tremendous opportunities for economic development, the Historic Sistrunk Community Council (HSCC) was created. The HSCC is a collaborative of community, business and civic organizations, including home and property owners who have a vested interest in and care about the Historic Sistrunk Community. The HSCC mission is to promote the Historic Sistrunk Community as a vibrant destination full of history and cultural richness for residents, businesses and visitors. The HSCC will focus on the marketing and economic development of the Historic Sistrunk Community and actively work to improve the quality of life in the community for residents, businesses and organizations. The HSCC will look to work with existing business to foster business growth as well as attract new business opportunities that will enrich the economic fabric of the community. The HSCC will also look to partner with residents via homeowner associations to ensure the needs of the people who choose to live in the community are being addressed today and in the future. When it came to business, arts and entertainment in Fort Lauderdale, Sistrunk was “it.” Dennis Wright, President of the Historic Sistrunk C o m m u n i t y Council said succinctly: “At any given time so many things would be happening and going on, it made it hard to choose.” The emergence of the Council as the catalyst for evolution towards cutting-edge business outreach and engagement has begun. The Historic Sistrunk Community Council is dedicated to building on core components, which include solid infrastructure, beautification, and safety that in turn will result in a vibrant community and a key destination of interest in the City of Fort Lauderdale. The Historic Sistrunk Community Council believes the Historic Sistrunk community is the Heart and Soul of the City! To find out more about the Historic Sistrunk Community Council, call (754) 307–7071.